
Thank you for your interest in my products!

I am a Holistic Practitioner, Meditation Facilitator, former massage therapist of 27 years and I am currently working on my certification to be a Certified Essential Oil Plant Medicine Practitioner.

In 2004 I was introduced to the wonderful world of essential oils. While playing around with the endless combinations I created a special blend that I called "Zen Spray" which is now my Signature spray. I noticed that it had a calming affect on people and it also cleared the environment of negative or stagnant energy and left people feeling happy and relaxed. People loved it and started asking how they could get some and it became a staple for school teachers, healthcare professionals, yoga instructors and many other working environments due to it's anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties and calming affects. I love learning how flowers and plants can assist in our health in a myriad of ways emotionally and physically and I enjoy making products to share those healing benefits with others! Over the past few years I have formulated some new blends and 15 years later I now have 11 different blends and 7 different types of products and that's how Zen Blends came to be.

I am passionate about my products that are made with high quality ingredients and Love from my Heart to Yours.

With Gratitude and Blessings,
